Saturday, December 11, 2010

What could be more appropriate - the World's Largest Strawberry at SWhat could be more appropriate - the World's Largest Strawberry at Strawberry Point, Iowa. According to some early press, after it's initial installation iat the city offices, the strawberry fell from it's photogenic perch in a high wind. Originally a JayCees project (what exactly are jay-cees, anyway? I know what they do, just not why they're called what they're called... UPDATE - Junior Chamber of Commerce - J.C.- JayCees!), the city spent a pretty penny getting the strawberry back to it's original glory. What could be more appropriate - the World's Largest Strawberry at Strawberry Point, Iowa. According to some early press, after it's initial installation iat the city offices, the strawberry fell from it's photogenic perch in a high wind. Originally a JayCees project (what exactly are jay-cees, anyway? I know what they do, just not why they're called what they're called... UPDATE - Junior Chamber of Commerce - J.C.- JayCees!), the city spent a pretty penny getting the strawberry back to it's original glory. lory.

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